I'd better say some nice stuff here, or I'll get in trouble and have to go in my room.
Mom and Dad each have their own websites and if you click on their names, you can go see each of them. And they have a wonderful website for all they do with Harraden's Habitat and breeding exotic birds. Geocities thought it was good enough to highlight in their September 15, 1998 World Report, and that made Mom real proud. Mom has a couple of really special friends in Petsburgh and I'm glad they moved to the new neighborhood.
(Mom wishes she looked like this...) Oops, sorry, I'm trying to be good. Anyway, Mom and Dad also founded a great bird club in eastern NC in October 1995. At least it started out in eastern NC. They have over 175 members all over the United States, and even have a couple members overseas in Europe. Wow! International! You can read about the Coastal Carolina Bird Society by clicking on the name and it will link you right to the club page. (Isn't it neat how I can get all these links here?.... I learned by watching Mom.....)
Mom works full time for the Government at Cherry Point, NC at the Naval Air Depot. She's an Industrial Engineering Technician and a certified Electronic Digital Computer Mechanic. (Dad and I think she's certified crazy, but I can't say that here....) She's been working there for 13 years.
Dad, my hero, is a Supervisor at Diamond Construction Company. He does just about anything from actual construction to welding, to fitting steamlines, to demolition, to auto mechanics.... sort of a "jack of all trades". He's been with Diamond Construction for 8 years now. Before he merged with them, he owned and operated Southern Sandblasting for 15 years. Since he had already merged with Diamond when I joined the family in 1991, I don't know much about SS, except that Dad sandblasted everything from lawn furniture and animal cages all the way up to big buildings, oil tanks, truck and car bodies, and even inside log cabins. He knows some really neat people through his many years in that business..... Mom and Dad have gone places as far away as Florida's Disney World, and people will walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder and say "hey, aren't you Ernie?" Mom's always surprised at that. Guess Dad's a pretty unforgettable character. He is to me anyway!
That's all I have to say here.... need to go on and work on the rest of my family's pages.... but you can read all about Mom and Dad on their own pages. They've done a real good job on them and you'll get a pretty good feel for who they are after reading about them. Mom's a "Parrothead" and Dad loves scuba diving and sailing. But they both enjoy the others' hobbies, so they're really a great team. Don't tell them I said that, though, cause I don't want it going to their head!