They Call Me Janice

Just click on the little picture to see a bigger view of ME!

The official information on my species, the Chattering Lory, is as follows:

One of the better talking species and perhaps one of the cleverest at escaping or just being all around trouble makers. Great personalities, always up to something. If something is placed on top of their cage they will work endlessly until it's knocked to the floor. Food and water bowls must be attached to the cage, and even then they will likely become toys! There is a sub-specie, the Yellow-backed Lory L. g. flavopalliatus, which has a patch of yellow on the mantel. Either makes a great, if somewhat vocal pet. They produce a shrill, whistle-like call. Thankfully they don't do it very frequently. Still quieter than an amazon. From Islands of Indonesia they run $350 - $450 ea. in price. The diet consists of fruits, seeds and nectar, so the place were you keep the bird must be easy to clean. The bird likes very much to take a bath, so it could be water everywere. Vitamin A is very important to them.

Now let me tell you what I'm REALLY like!

I am the clown of the Habitat kids and I don't care what Tango says, I am Daddy's favorite. I run this three ring circus cause anytime I go up and say "BOO" to Tango, he fluffs all up and starts screaming. Mom and Dad laugh at him when he does that, but I KNOW it's cause he's scared of me. That's good, gotta keep him in his place.

Tango's such a goofball!

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Title and Habitat Kids' Graphics by

the Woodro